5000 views, high fives all around!I told you I'd share the first date of 2011 this week. It falls under strange and by that I mean stranger than normal. As I'm sure you have come to see I don't say no to many people, which leads me to some interesting dates. Then again I don't say yes to people either. It's a wonder I'm single! This week its a spice. I have one word for you, Ginger. Now don't get be wrong I enjoy a good ginger nut with my tea as much as the next girl, but there's something about them that doesn't quite sit with me right, in a romantic sense. Maybe the fact that so many family members and friends are gingers is a complete turn off. Although I deeply love them as friends!Until I had this date I might have had to look up interesting facts about red heads, had I really wanted to, but not after this guy. And he wasn't one of those uncover 'strawberry blondes' either. He was full blown fire engine, bord failte, skipping in the fields with fairies RED. He clearly had a shortcut on his desktop to factsaboutgingers dot com. Each of his sentences seems to start with the words "did you know that redheads..." which is why each of my sentences started with the words "I had no idea..."Here are a few of his gems. Red hair is a genetic mutation. I think he was suggesting that he was to be liken to the X-men or some other comic book hero. I'm not quite sure what his special power was, could it be to remove your will to live? Redhead's are harder to sedate than any other people requiring twenty percent more anesthesia, I wonder if he'd ever tried talking himself to sleep? He kept telling me his biggest fear was going under the knife and waking up half way through because they hadn't given him enough anesthesia. It's a worry for us all.Not sure why he'd choosen that moment to tell me that in the late 16th century or something, the fat of a redheaded man was an essential ingredient for poison.."I had no idea........I quickly did his measurements in my head. Maybe I could make this relationship work for a while, but then what about the children and the anaphylactic shock? That's right folks bees are thought to sting redheads more than others. Sure god bless them, they'd be running around living in fear of bees, gaining weight and being used in poison. Even getting their tonsils out under anesthesia might be a trama!Okay, okay enough with the redhaired, ginger person bashing I hear you say. I'm still taking heat from the short guys episode. So what was he like once he got over his nerves and given me every ginger fact in the book? Pretty alright the truth be told. He had lovely deep blue eyes, skin a girl would kill for and he seems like a lovely guy. He had decided like a lot of people, no more than myself, that this is the year that he had decided to put himself out there and meet someone. And, in his mind hopefully help to keep the ginger gene alive by reproducing. There was no spark, but he did make me smile with his bright personality and charm. I have no doubt in the world that Mrs Ginger is right around the corner waiting with an injection of epinephrine to combat that bee sting pushing it right into his heart! Good luck to him is what I say, I hope he fines it. Just not in Corsica, if you pass a redhead in the street you are to spit and turn around. Yet another interesting fact.Listen it's a bonus entry week. I've decided to share a blog reader's email about a date she went on later in the week, I think it's very funny. If you have one you think it just as funny email me and share with us all! Until next time happy dating! I know I am!
Source: datingforaverageguys.blogspot.com
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