Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Hot Russian Women

Hot Russian Women
Every year in Italy, officially entering a 2.000 "HOT RUSSIAN WOMEN" from Eastern Europe,about half of them - girls from Russia and Ukraine. Unfortunately, theItalian immigration service did not have accurate data, reflecting thedivorce rate of such couples, but we all have read horror stories,telling about the brothels, which are covered matrimonial agencies, andthe mossy suitors who are looking for girls from Eastern Europe, becausein their home, no self-respecting woman does not even look in theirdirection. All this - the terrible truth, which translates intoindignant article in the newspapers, as we read, horrified and desperatespare our fellow citizens, in search of a better life married tofirst-encountered monster with a foreign passport. Stop! That's right,girl you marry a passport, for the opportunity to become a citizen ofany prosperous country, and for the sacrifice these dreams and the coverof the passport with someone else's coat of arms often do the very lifeof a foreign bride, no one desired and not taken into account... Longqueues of Russia's Consulate in Milan. Most of standing in the queue -future HotRussian women, who need different certificates for the wedding. Waitingto have friendships, girls perk up, share stories and advice for alloccasions... Light - bright, beautiful blonde. A couple of years ago, shedivorced her husband, a drunkard in his native Saratov and decided thatlife in the province was not for her. Sending out messages to differentagencies, so pretty soon received a huge amount of feedback fromsuitors from around the world. In America decided not to go, not to risktoo far, but the girl looked to Europe "... And they all pay the same tome; everywhere I drove, trying to please. I looked at all the Europeancapitals, is it bad?" Then he says that we do not approaching eachother, and left. And no claims cannot be! What? Country - beautiful, but thehouse had what you would have seen - villa on the beach!" After sometime came and future husband - a little man in glasses, glowing withhappiness and pride in the beauty HOT RUSSIAN WOMEN, and with a wild accenttold us "Good Dien!>>... Light cynically smiled: "Well, look at him,already undertook to teach the Russian language! Nothing, as soon as Iget citizenship, divorce and find myself a normal guy, saw some handsomemen on the streets go?" Almost all the girls in the queue nodded theirheads in agreement... When you live abroad for a long time, before youreyes everyday life are the little tragedies in which a Russian wifeacting as a victim, and the husband-foreigner - as bastards and bullies.How did this moldy morel cut off as his wife a beautiful and somethingelse required, instead be grateful to her for life for such happiness!


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