Kermit 2006 ISBN: 9780978369439 252 pages PDF 1,1 MB
What makes the same woman be willing to have a one night stand with a stranger, yet she makes her relationship partner wait months for sex? Why do women respond to jerks, and take advantage of nice guys? To read reviews of this book, and seminars based on these teachings check out Everything Out Of Her Mouth is a Test is the seduction philosophy of Frank B Kermit. If you read From Loser to Seducer, then you are already acquainted with Frank B Kermit's story of pain, change and the redemption of a seducer -in- training. In this book, learn about what his beliefs about seduction are, and learn how to understand women the way Frank B Kermit understands them.
So the concepts behind NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) sound interesting to you and you're wondering where to get started with implementing such strategies. You will probably face the question as to whether it might be beneficial to your life and business to hire an NLP coach. Each year there are thousands of people who benefit from scientifically based coaching programs, and a coach can help you design a specific plan of action using proven techniques. Sure you might be able to pull together a plan on your own, but this article will share how a coach might have the expertise and experience to help you shape your future and live life more fully, and right now. Coaching has become a widely popular service and is familiar both to big business through corporate coaches and to television audiences through the popular show "Starting Over". Coaches who utilize NLP concepts believe every person has the potential and ability to realize their dreams. An NLP coach can help you understand what you want from your life and what you will do to get it. A coach can help you clarify your goals and remain focused until you achieve them. While you build your confidence, improve your skills and achieve your goals a coach can guide, encourage and instruct using proven neuro-linguistic practices. An NLP coach isn't going to do the work for you, but will help you design a plan to achieve your own success. As you already can guess, a professional coach is likely to have an arsenal of proven techniques, tested and perfected through their own practice. Aside from that, a coach is going to have the advantage of being a neutral third party who has no emotional attachment to your past failures or successes. The observations of a coach are more likely to be clear, and the insights could possibly be more accurate, because they are in a position to view your behaviors more objectively than you, a friend or a member of your family could ever do. A coach is also more likely to be up on the latest techniques and advancements in NLP practices. All of these advantages can be combined to help you fully realize your potential, achieve higher levels of personal effectiveness and self mastery. Since the premise behind NLP technique is that you can recreate success by doing what the successful people do, why not consider following what thousands of other successful people have done and get the outside assistance of a trained and professional NLP coach? By: Robert Greenshields -
Depression of any type and level of intensity can wreak havoc on a person's life with things like work, school, childcare, sleep, and even relationships suffering. Today, there are millions of people that live with this particular mental health disorder but with the right help the lives of these people can be turned around. Although an individual could consider many treatments, it would be worth for most to look into the options specific to SELF-HELP FOR DEPRESSION.
For many people, the road to recovery consists of taking an active role. Even when someone is under the care of a licensed medical and/or mental health professional, it is imperative for the person with depression to get involved with the healing phase. This includes becoming educated about the disorder, working hard toward recovery beyond what the doctor orders, and making appropriate lifestyle changes among other things.
One mistake people make when using self-help to beat depression is in trying to tackle the entire situation on all at once. If someone wants to use this approach, it is essential to start slow but also make progress. By taking on everything, the person would begin to experience stress and anxiety but in addition, when something goes wrong, it seems ten times worse than it is. On the other hand, going slow and achieving small things would be an encouragement for the individual to pushing toward the goal.
Someone with depression must also maintain focus on the goal. Ultimately, an individual wants to reduce or eliminate the symptoms of depression but with this accomplished, the next goal is on preventing future episodes. For one thing, a person has to be realistic, knowing there will be setbacks along the way. In addition, focus on both goals needs to be broken down into small segments. Again, each time something is accomplished, the individual gains more encouragement and confidence to keep pushing ahead.
Another type of self-help proven beneficial for someone with depression is support. Of course, any encouragement and support provided by family and friends would be great but beyond that, an individual should consider finding a support group formed specifically for this mental health disorder. Keep in mind that along with local support groups there are a number of groups that have been founded online. Go to self-help groups for mental health.
Study after study shows that when an individual attends support meetings or participates in online chat rooms or forums, the process of getting depression under control is smoother. Between loved ones and official support groups, gaining perspective of the problem but also the steps required to defeat it becomes clearer. Unfortunately, many people in this situation choose isolation instead and while it might be difficult to get to the first meeting, it is a key factor for accomplishing the ultimate goal.
Experts also recommend working toward complete health as a means of dealing with depression. Often, someone with this disorder does not sleep well, eats poorly, and stops doing things once enjoyed. There has to be a mindset established that the individual will do whatever it takes to beat depression. With this done, focus can also be placed on eating well-balanced meals, getting proper sleep, going for walks, spending time with family and friends, and making only healthy lifestyle choices.
Complete health also involves education. As mentioned above, learning about depression but also methods of recovery are critical. Unless an individual understands the illness and the effects is has, it would be extremely difficult to make good choices in getting well, both physically and mentally. Along with learning things through support groups, a person could talk to a doctor or read any number of respected self-help books.
The last thing we wanted to mention has to do with the way a person thinks. Remember, any type of self-help involves discipline so this too could be challenging but pushing through brings great rewards. For one thing, a person cannot expect perfection. As stated, there will be setbacks along the way. The goal is to eliminate or reduce those setbacks as much as possible, not think they will never occur.
It would also be helpful to consider the effects of the depression on others. This is not intended to put more stress or guilt on the individual but to promote a broader method of thinking. Sometimes, when someone with depression can turn thoughts to the outside it helps to put everything into perspective. Most self-help options are tough but staying true to the outcome is what allows a person to enjoy all the benefits of being freed from depression.
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Depression is a mental health illness that has been affecting the lives of millions of people since the beginning of time. Of course today we...
Someone dealing with depression has several options for getting help. The exact treatment would depend on the type of depression, level of intensity, and the...
Thanks to modern medicine, a tremendous amount of knowledge has been gained in relation to mental depression. For people that suffer from this mental health...
People suffering from depression not always like to take medication, so they look for other ways how they can treat their depression. Some of those...
Before we talk about the natural cures for depression and their effectiveness, we want to write a short introduction. Of all mental health conditions that...
Many would like to know why online dating is so popular. The most obvious answer is that online dating is relatively safe and it gives you enough time to find out as much as possible about a person before you actually meeting him or her. This means that you will only meet the person physically if you are sure you want to take your relationship to the next level.Internet has made it so easy for people to date and they can date from the comfort of their homes without worry about spending money, commuting or wondering whether the date would be worth it.Online dating allows you to connect with just the type of people you want to and if things get too sticky or hot, you always have the option of logging off with a click of a button. Online dating has also opened dating possibilities for physically challenged people who otherwise would not be able to date. They can use online dating to find their ideal partner without being self conscious. It also helps in broadening your choices and you do not have to choose the first person you "talk" with. You can talk to many people before making up your mind.Online dating is not just about dating. It also helps people to have lasting relationships and friendships. Many times online dating results in two people actually forging a life-long friendship.With all the benefits that online dating has, it is no wonder that many people tend to prefer online dating to conventional dating. Being able to take a relationship at your own pace and being able to command the pace without feeling guilty makes online dating the ideal vehicle to search for new partners and lasting relationships.
Silent divorce is about a marriage where the partners still live together but have separate lives. It is married people living like singles.
Silent divorce may mean that the marriage partners almost never talk.
Silent divorce might mean that the sexual relationship has ended, but that is only part of it.
To understand marriage and to understand silent divorce, I want us to consider what is the fundamental spiritual truth that is key to God's heart for marriage.
What is the spirit and truth about marriage and silent divorce? Marriage counsellors now see that bonding, attachment, secure loving connection is key to understanding couple relationships. See Susan Johnson and Emotionally Focussed Therapy.
The Bible also values our bonding (clinging to) God and the bonding (one flesh) between man and woman.
How important is bonding to our relationship with God? I believe the Bible reveals that it is vital, in fact essential, to our souls, to eternal life. After all eternal life is defined in terms of an intimate relationship - as knowing God the Father and His Son, Jesus the Messiah (John 17:2 ).
The parallel truth is that bonding vital and essential to the truth and spirit of marriage.
Jesus makes clear, in John 15:2 that branches that bear no fruit are cut off by the Father. Such branches fail to remain united with God - the True Vine. "No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine." Jesus says "Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me."
The parallel truth is that the fruit God wants from marriage flows from bonding between husband and wife. God's Spirit and kingdom can flow from the vital oneness of man and woman.
John 15 says that branches that do not remain in the vine die and are cut off. What about a marriage where the vital connection is dead and the energy is all negative - a silent divorce.
In the case of silent divorce would a wise and loving God not want an end to a marriage that is dead - where bonding is broken?
If the life and health of the marriage partners is God's primary concern - not the 'holiness of marriage' - then (if the marriage is dead and children are not involved) I think God would want and end to pretense, to silent divorce so that life and love can flow.
More about silent divorce and bonding on see Silent divorce and Bonding, marriage and silent divorce.
June 02, 2013
It is known and understood by now that all within the grand universe is vibrational by its very nature, including each of you. The Spirit of your Whole Self is pure energy dear ones, fluctuating within certain vibrational frequencies. Learning how important your vibrational frequency is will provide you the knowledge required for you to apply concentrated focus in all areas of your life and journey.
Remember the basic Law of Attraction, "like will attract like". When you are moving within a high vibrational frequency you will attract even more high frequency which means you will encounter more positive situations to enter your life, whereas low frequency obviously will have you attracting lower vibrational frequency which means you will be attracting more negative situations to enter your life. It is from your thoughts and of your feelings that you create your vibration and through these thoughts and feelings you begin to manifest your experiences into reality.
Knowing what your vibration frequency is, is very simple dear ones. All you need to do is determine how you are feeling. Ask yourself, learn how you are truly feeling, be honest, don't exaggerate - be truthful to yourself when asking how you are feeling. The better you feel, the more high spirited you are, the higher your frequency will be. On the other hand, the worse you feel, the more negative your thoughts and feelings are produces a lower vibrational frequency.
When you are moving at a high vibrational frequency, you will be bringing into your whole life greater opportunities, new situations, and relationships that will preserve this wonderful Inner High feeling - you exuberate energy, love and beautiful light. When you are moving within a lower vibrational you will attract new opportunities, situations and relationships but they will continue producing a negative, low feeling. Remember dear ones, it is through your feelings that your Inner Self finds its guidance; change your feelings you change your vibrational frequency and open yourself to attracting more positive situations into your life.
You are now understanding that your vibrational frequency is determined by your leading thoughts and what you believe in the most that holds tight within your consciousness. It is through this knowledge that your awareness focuses on your thoughts and it is through here dear ones where you make your choice to have negative thoughts or change your thoughts into positive ones. When you maintain positive thoughts you will find yourself feeling great, on top of the world. Whereas if you are holding only negative thoughts you will recognize early on that you are irritable. And it is true; your vibrational frequency can change as the topics of your day change. But it is your overall frequency that silently tells you where you vibrate on all topics and areas of your daily life.
It is important dear ones to discover the power of love combined with gratitude. These two when working together create a very important and divine vibration. Adding more gratitude into your life denotes discipline and that you take your journey and life seriously. You can increase your vibrational frequency just by being more grateful.
Many dear souls have a special journal just for gratitude. What they do dear ones is record each day what it is they are grateful for. These words can be expressed simply without attaching anything personal to them. Just by writing down simple words, such as sun-shower, birds chirping, or an interesting insect is on your windowsill will help lift your spirit and if your spirit is lifted then so is your vibrational frequency.
If you are meeting with friends or family, or even while writing a letter or speaking to another through your communication device, begin the communication or conversation by sharing your celebrations and encourage the other persons involved to do the same. By focusing on what is a celebration to you even if its small helps to reset your mind and you begin to attract more positive energy which in turn raises your vibrational frequency. Sharing simple celebrations is very healing. Even if your celebration is deciding to wear actual clothes for the day instead of your comfortable pajamas, this dear ones is worthy of celebration and to be mentioned.
We encourage each of you to set a goal each day to find a few things to be grateful for. You do not need to write them down, but speak them. When you vocalize these finds, you add your own personal power to them. Remember your words have power, so when you speak with gratitude towards something you are encouraging more positive flow of positive energy and raising your vibrational frequency. This can be a great nightly habit to get into as it creates a more positive feel before you go to sleep and at the same time encourages a bright and positive next day.
As you become more comfortable with adding more gratitude into your life, you will learn very quickly how simple this principle is and how rewarding it is on a whole. Those around you will benefit from the positive spirits that flow through you and around you.
Remember dear ones, this is your journey; it is your thoughts, your feelings and your actions as a result of your feelings that determine where you are heading. And it is you that holds the power to change what you do not like.
And So It Is...
I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller