Progesterone - a hormone parental instinct, the instinct to nurse, facilitates the successful implementation of a woman child care function. Progesterone appears in the blood of a woman, when she sees a child - short body, swollen hands and feet, round plump torso, big head and big eyes. The reaction is so strong that progesterone is released, even if the woman sees these forms in objects such as a soft toy. That's why it's so good are bought by women teddy bears and other soft toys chubby in contrast to the long and lean. A woman or girl, catching teddy bear, say, "Oh-oh, what he's cute!" And her blood is injected progesterone. Most men do not understand women's enthusiasm at the sight of a bag stuffed with sawdust standing bank. Here lies the explanation for why women are so-called maternal type marry a short, fat man with chubby cheeks.
Menstrual tension - one of the most serious problems faced by the modern woman. Her ancestors were not aware of this problem. Until recently, the woman is usually continuously in a state of pregnancy, which meant that the average woman in menstrual tension arose earlier from ten to twenty times in a lifetime, while a modern woman - twelve times a year. Prior to the distribution of birth control pills no one noticed that women's emotions have spikes and dips. Twenty-one days after menstruation hormone estrogen creates a sense of well-being, happiness and causes in women, in general, a positive reaction to the surroundings. Stimulus to sexual activity has been increasing, reaching a maximum so that the woman could conceive most likely at some point, somewhere between the 18th and the 21st day after your period and in the same time has the highest testosterone levels.
Nature is smart, the lust of the female animal reaches its highest strength at a time that is most favorable for conception. That's why a woman may suddenly find themselves in bed with a man with whom just met at a party. The next day, she completely lost can not understand how and why it happened. Like a female animal, she happened to meet the man at the right time of the month, at the exact moment when conception is most likely. Its genetic type, state of his immune system and other male characteristics were decoded by the brain subconsciously women. If these features were above a certain threshold of acceptability in terms of reproduction, the nature prevailed. Women who happened to pass through such, do not know how to explain his action. Many say "fate" or "strange magnetic attraction", not realizing that they have the upper hand over their hormones. The consequence of such moments in life for many women, marriage is a completely unsuitable man. Most men would have given a lot to learn when women hormones in the blood up!
From 21 th to the 28 th day of the menstrual cycle the level of female hormones in the blood drops, which leads to acute symptoms of depression: depression, sadness, and even desire for suicide. Most cases of female violence or shoplifting takes place from 21 th to the 28-day period. Over 50% of women in prison have committed murder or violent felony during this time period. During this period, dramatically increases the number of visits to the women doctors, to therapists, astrologers, as many feel that lose control or "going crazy." In the state of a woman menstrual tension of 4-5 is more likely to have an accident, driving a motor vehicle or the steering wheel plane.
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