For every woman who is the victim of a violent crime, there are three men that are victims of violent crimes.
Women initiate domestic violence against their partners just slightly more than men do.
From the CDC website:
This states that about 25% of relationships will experience violence.
Of those, 50% are reciprocally violent (both partners are violent).
50% are non-reciprocally violent (only one partner is violent).
of the non-reciprocally violent relationships, the women is the agressor 70% of the time.
I will do the math:
Of 100 people, 25 will experience violence.
12.5 will be in reciprocally violent relationships - 6.25 will be men, 6.25 will be women.
12.5 will be in non-reciprocally violent relationships.
70% of those the women is the violent one - 0.7 * 12.5 = 8.75.
30% of those the man is the violent one - 0.3 * 12.5 = 3.75.
Now, we add the women - 6.25 + 8.75 = 15.0.
Then, we add the men - 3.75 + 6.25 = 10.0.
This means that for every 10 violent men, there are 15 violent women in relationships.
The existence of such a sexist law accomplishes a few things:
It cheapens violence that is aimed at men. I.E. since a law exists prohibiting violence against women but not men, violence aimed at men must be a lesser crime.
It's very existence implies that violence against women is commonplace.
It places women's citizenship above men's citizenship. Something akin to the "Ku Klux Klan" passing a "Violence Against White People Act".
The passing of bigoted laws is acceptable when it's in the favor of women.
Again, a seed of distrust is placed in women against men. At the same time, it is perfectly acceptable to cheapen men and their rights and citizenship status to 2nd class.
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