Here is a by no means complete listing of gemstones and minerals and their various effects and/or healing actions on the body and spirit: * AGATE: Happiness, intelligence, fertility, health, protection of children, strength, physical energy, courage, overcoming envy, gardening, well-being. (BLUE LACE) Peace, calm, patience, happiness, warmth, gentleness, domestic harmony, tenderness. (BOTSWANA) Eases stress and pain of a loss, reduces anxiety, boosts mood. (MOSS) Friendship, gardening, healing, money, happiness, longevity, finding treasures * AMAZONITE: Calm, peace, joy, attracting success, gambling luck, overcoming grief, concentration, creativity * AMBER: Cleansing, positive energy, wisdom, happiness, luck, strength, healing, patience, beauty, love, pleasure, protection from negativity, physical strength, self-confidence, will power * AMETHYST: Induces meditation and devotional state. Develops inner mind. Tranquilizes and inspires peaceful dreaming. Helps with addictions and mental disorders, especially depressions. Transmuting negative to positive, increasing spiritual awareness, calming, soothing, repelling negative vibrations, overcoming addiction, peace, love, happiness, protection, good judgment, dreams, new beginnings, stability, fertility, eloquence, common sense, compassion * AMETRINE: Astral travel, magickal power, meditation, removing negativity * APACHE TEARS: Luck, removal of pain * APOPHYLLITE POINTS: Brings victory through perseverance, Channeling, Clarity, Energy. * AQUAMARINE: A water stone for cooling and soothing agitations, infections and pain. Can help induce sleep. * ARAGONITE: Meditation, balance, centering, healing, will power, patience, self-assurance * AZURITE: A third eye opener. Stimulates visual images. * AVENTURINE: General healing, dissolves unhealthy thoughts and reflects healing. Creativity, motivation, inner peace, business success, intellect, perception, soothing emotions/heartache, clarity, imagination, independence, joy, sexuality, vitality, wealth, romance * BLACK TOURMALINE: Stone for controlling negative environment and negative energies. Forms shield of protection and deflects discordant or negative thoughts. * BLOODSTONE: Powerful cleanser of blood and purifying organs. Discourages excess bleeding. Associated with Kundalini. Healing, wealth, courage, physical strength, stress relief, help in business/legal matters, revitalization, prosperity, guidance, abundance, rain, organization * CALCITE: Luck, money, problem resolution, gambling, healing, creativity, business success, attracting love. (PINK) Calming, Centering and grounding, Love rituals. * CARNELIAN: Joy, protection, energy, easing depression, promoting self-confidence, peace, concentration, focus, action, sexuality, lust, healing, courage * CHALCEDONY: Touchiness; melancholy; eye problems; stimulates maternal feelings and creativity. Release. * CHRYSOCOLLA: Emotional balancer and comforter; alleviates fear, guilt and nervous tension; facilitates clairvoyance; thought amplifier. Clarity, peace, patience, love, wisdom, dreams, balance, prosperity, growth, hope, intimacy, intuition, tolerance, patience, sleep. * * CHRYSOPRASE: Happiness, Luck, Friendship, Protection, Money. * CHRYSOLITE: Inspiration; prophecy * CITRINE: For congestion, either physical or mental. Used to encourage prosperity. Unblocks energy flow.Cleanses vibrations in the atmosphere; creativity; helps personal clarity; will bring out problems in the solar plexus and the heart; eliminates self-destructive tendencies.Sleep, luck, creativity, protection, self-esteem, magickal power * COPPER: Releasing, healing, protection, self-esteem, luck, attracting love and money. * DIAMOND: Diamond Generosity, trust, faithfulness, prosperity, love, peace, success, physical strength, will power, confidence, joy, luck. All brain diseases; pituitary and pineal glands; draws out toxicity, poison remedy. * EMERALD: Psychic awareness, meditation, insight, tranquility, peace, sleep, healing, divination, love, friendship, protection from evil, business success, memory, recognition, faith, fertility, serenity, romance, understanding, balance or balancing. Heart problems, whether physical or emotional, hypertension and to help balance blood glucose. * FLOURITE: Enhances ability to concentrate. transmits balance, healing and patience; increases psychic and clairvoyant abilities; meditation; keener insight into dreams, balances polarities; third eye center; mental capacity and intellect. Good luck, concentration, keenness of mind, perspective, reducing emotional involvement, increasing mental power, logic, managing anger, analytical skill, intellect, truth * GAIA STONE: Prosperity, emotional healing, Goddess connection * GARNET: An energizer which is more gentle than ruby. For anemia, paralysis and cancer. Ancient wiccans used this as a protective gem and symbol of loyalty, passion and love. Protection from pre- cancerous conditions. Health, cheery disposition, self-esteem, love, business success, past life regression, consistency of love and friendship, travel protection, happiness, peace, balance, patience, inspiration, persistence, wisdom, fertility * GOLD: Abundance, energy, purification, love, warmth, prosperity * GOLDSTONE: Hope, protection * HEMATITE: Concentration, memory, banishing negativity, clarity, courage, stress relief, energy, healing, divination, grounding, centering, healing, scrying, reliability, self-confidence, legal matters. Blood cleanser and purifier; self esteem; augments meridian flows; aids in astral projection. * HERKIMER DIAMOND: Stress relief, meditation, visualization, balancing, calming ream stone, Helps promote out of body experiences. Helpful at childbirth. Enhances dream state; helps alleviate stress; draws toxicity from physical form; balances polarities; increases healing ability; develops ability to "give". * HOWLITE: Stress relief, anxiety, calming, tension, artistic expression, creativity, eliminating selfishness, purity, spirituality * IOLITE: Truth, calming, peace, psychic ability, curiosity, spiritual growth, leadership * JADE: Concentration, unconditional love, concentration, fidelity, harmony, health, justice, protection, luck, beauty, energy, stress relief, perspective, wisdom, growth, strengthens body; longevity. * JASPER: Stability, healing, balancing emotions and stress. (GREEN) general healer; clairvoyance; balances healer's Auric field. (RED) Beauty, grace, increasing mental processes, luck, easing pain of childbirth, forming barrier against dangerous whims and desires. Liver; stomach troubles and infections.(YELLOW) Etheric body alignment. (PICTURE) Betters the immune system; past life recall; over activity in dream state and hallucinations show a need for it. (FANCY) Centering and grounding, Healing, Beauty, Energy, Plants. (RAINFOREST) Balance, Clearing, Healing, Child birth. * JET: Purification, psychic protection, virility, control, luck, health, divination, protection from illness and violence, guarding against nightmares feminine disorders; teeth; stomach pain; glandular swelling; fevers; hair loss; alignment of lower spine. * KUNZITE: Alcoholism; anorexia; arthritis; epilepsy; gout; headaches; colitis; retardation; memory loss; schizophrenia and manic-depression; phobias; emotional equilibrium; thyroid malignancy; gums; pain; self-esteem. * KYANITE: Creativity, commitment, loyalty, meditation, communication, cleansing, loyalty, dreams, honesty * LABRADORITE: Earth magick, faith, patience, imagination, introspection, strength, sleep, protection, stress relief, calming, divination, strengthening convictions, courage, facilitating transformation * LAPIS LAZULI: Courage, healing emotional wounds, compassion, courage, wisdom, strength, clarity, wisdom, fidelity, spiritual love, past life recall, divination (especially scrying, Tarot and runes), tranquility, eloquence, expressiveness, self-confidence, creativity, lens of third eye. Penetrates subconscious blocks. Neuralgia; melancholy; fevers; inflammations; penetrates subconscious blockages; throat Chakra; sore throat; energy focuser for teachers, lecturers and speakers, mental and spiritual cleanser; used on third eye for meditation; eliminates old and negative emotions; use with other healing stones; thought form amplification; helps in creating mantras. * LEPIDOLITE: Peace, Spirituality, Luck, Honesty, Transitions, Stress relief. * LODESTONE: Focus, sleep, grounding * MALACHITE: Draws to the surface that which is impeding spiritual growth so that work may begin. Draws out impurities on all levels; balances left and right brain functions; mental illness; co-ordination and vision; radiation eliminator; evil eye protector; all purpose healer, especially in solar plexus and good for healers. Power, success, inspiration, releasing pain/anger, concentration, travel protection, healing, sleep, inspiration, psychic visions, overcoming negativity and depression, business success, money, protection from physical danger, emotional maturity, fertility, wisdom * MOLDAVITE: Meditation, inner guidance, sympathy, compassion, clairvoyance, protection during astral travel, self-healing, channeling, communication with higher self, widening perspective * MOONSTONE: Moonstone Travel protection (especially water travel), stress relief, past life regression, luck, clarity, spiritual understanding, calming emotions, hope, opening heart to love, joy, good fortune, new beginnings, beauty, childbirth, dieting, divination, humanitarian matters, represents the Goddess Energy and the feminine principal. Soothes and balances the emotions and brings peace of mind and hormonal equilibrium. For use with female problems. Soothes and balances the emotions; helps eliminate fear of "feeling"; encourages inner growth and strength; aids peace and harmony and psychic abilities; aligns vertebrae; digestive aid. * MORGANITE: Larynx; lungs; thyroid; parasympathetic nervous system; major muscle tissues. * MUGGLESTONE: Healing, Grounding, Promotes optimism strong will and courage. * OBSIDIAN: Grounding, centering, divination, increasing spirituality, healing, cleansing, clarity, luck, manifestation, transformation, inner growth. Protects the gentle from being abused; stabilizer; stomach, intestine and general muscle tissue healer; bacterial and viral inflammations. (SNOWFLAKE) Grounds spiritual energy to the physical plane, absorbs negativity, enhances serenity * ONYX: Objective thinking; spiritual inspiration; control of emotions and passions, help eliminate negative thinking, apathy, stress and neurological disorders; also used as a heart, kidney, nerve, skin, capillary, hair, eye and nail strengthener. Balancing, protection, faith, grounding spiritual energy to the physical plane, stability, scrying, relaxation * OPAL: Positive emotions, joy, aura cleansing, inner beauty, loyalty, spontaneity, clarity, healing, passion, eloquence, faithfulness, self-confidence, wisdom, spontaneity, beauty (LIGHT) Balances left and right brain hemispheres for neural disorders; stimulates white corpuscles; helps bring the emotions to mystical experiences; aids abdomen, pituitary and thymus problems. (DARK) Reproductive organs; spleen and pancreas; filters red corpuscles and aids white corpuscles; bone marrow; depression, especially of sexual origin; balances; amplifies creative and intuitive thought; grounds radical emotional body. (CHERRY) Red corpuscle and blood disorders; depression; apathy; lethargy; intuition and joy. (JELLY) Spleen and abdominal diseases; cellular reproductive problems; helps absorb nutrients; minimizes wide mood swings; mystical thought amplifier. * PEARL: Divination, balancing, protection, intuition, chastity, wisdom, youth, purity, serenity, truth, innocence, money, prosperity, friendship, emotional clarity, concentration. Eliminates emotional imbalances; helps one master the heart chakra * PERIDOT: Prosperity, growth, purification, balance, intuition, compassion, cleansing, protection against nightmares, anger management, overcoming nervousness, fertility, friendship, healing, repairing relationships, reducing stress, focus * PETRIFIED WOOD: Protection, longevity, past-life recall * PYRITE (Fool's Gold): Logic, clarity, memory, prosperity, will power, grounding, harmony, vitality. Strengthens mental capacity. Facilitates higher knowing, opens mind. Protection and centering. * QUARTZ : Healing, drawing out pain, protection from negative vibrations, meditation, psychic powers, balance, magickal strength. (CLEAR) Transmitter and amplifier of healing energy and clarity; balancer, channeler of universal energy and unconditional love; all purpose healer; programmable. (SMOKEY) : Grounds energy and dissolves negativity. Eases depression, calms the mind, reduces fear and panic, elevates mood, overcomes negative emotions & unhappiness, grounding, centering. (ROSE) Self-esteem, peace, fertility, creativity, love, compassion, beauty, fidelity, happiness. (RUTILATED) Energy, inspiration, removing negativity, clearing the chakras * RHODOCROSITE: Balancing, healing, beauty, intelligence, divine love, energy, peace, loneliness, comfort, meeting potential, self-confidence, tact, compassion, friendship * RHODONITE: Assurance, understanding of cosmic purpose, understanding of new concepts & teachings, self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence, peace, happiness, laughter, joy, strength against vulnerability, harmony in relationships, enabling change * RUBY: Wealth, passion, restful sleep, protection from storms and negativity, power, joy, courage, sexual energy, enthusiasm, generosity, will power, contentment * SAPPHIRE: Balance, overcoming depression, self-discipline, love, meditation, peace, healing, friendship, fertility * SELENITE: Protection, Good fortune, Mental powers, Health, Happiness. * SERAPHINITE: Purification, centering, compassion, healing * SERPENTINE: Cleansing, visualization, meditation, attracting love, drawing money/wealth, abundance, psychic power, matters involving the elderly, longevity * SILVER: Soothing, cleansing, psychic ability, balance, clarity, stress relief * SODALITE: Elicits deep thought and calms overreaction by enabling one to think clearly. Alleviates fears, clears the mind, calms inner conflict, truth, stress relief, peace, harmony, wisdom, relaxation, communication, dispels guilt, merges logic and spirituality, creates emotional balance, learning, perception, creativity, insight, eliminates confusion * SPECTROLITE: Action and physical activity, Balances the aura. * STAUROLITE: Compassion, understanding, spirituality, prosperity * SUGILITE: Stress relief, protection, purification, healing, protection, spirituality, balancing, spiritual love, forgiveness, compassion, eloquence, fertility, friendship, growth, spirituality, awareness * SUNSTONE: Personal power, healing, overcoming depression, health, physical energy, protection, sexual arousal, sexual energy, increasing the energy of healing herbs, success, vitality, courage, independence * TANZANITE: Meditation, clairvoyance, spirituality, protection, wisdom, communication with spirit and animal guides * TIGER EYE: Stimulates personal courage. Good for the "spaced out" person by grounding the energy. Protection. Protects against external stresses, restores physical energy, truth, understanding, emotional balance, luck, good fortune, travel protection, communication, recognition of own faults, overcoming stubbornness, self-confidence, connection with the Earth * TOPAZ: Emotional balance, abundance, clarity, confidence, overcoming depression, energy, focus, power, tranquility * TOURMALINE: Weight loss, creativity, success, prosperity, attracting love, meditation, grounding, understanding root of problems. (GREEN) Balances and adds strength to nervous system. Re-generator attunes to that which is most needed. * TURQUOISE: Friendship, meditation, emotional balance, loyalty, divination, healing, soothing, wisdom, psychic development, beauty, protection, joy, wealth, romantic love, courage, trust, victory * UNAKITE: Protection, power, balance, healing, friendship, gardening, attracting animal guides, peace, quiet * ZEBRA STONE: Passion, Empathy, Energy, Understanding * ZOISITE: Health, strength, enthusiasm, poise, composureCollected from various sources
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