Don't forget the new forum is open at and you're going to miss out on something special unless you participate. There are several hundred members already, and while most are still a bit shy about posting, there are some really great things already coming out, well worth your time to spend a few minutes a day reading. And if you are shy about posting, don't forget that everybody there has a problem that is either the same as your or related to yours, or one that you could easily have in the future, so it's not like a bunch of people with perfect lives are going to be laughing at your problems if you speak of them. Indeed, I'm quite proud of how the group we've attracted so far shows such compassion and respect for each other without coddling each other and sugar-coating the truth, and
One other possibly VERY important note: to the best of my knowledge, judging by the number of times I see the Google spiders receiving "no permission" error messages as they attempt to read the forums that may contain problem information, I think I have configured everything so that you don't have to worry about what you say showing up in a Google or other search. The fun forums, like Hobbies and Welcome are open to the search engine spiders, but I'm trying to keep everything else completely inaccessible to anyone who is not human and not a member. This will cost me dearly in search engine rankings, but it is your lives and problems there, and I do take your privacy seriously, and I make my living from helping you with your problems, not pasting them all over the Internet for the whole world to see.
I received an interesting letter from an achiever who has not yet read "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," but has subscribed to this newsletter, has bought materials from some of the dating gurus like John Alanis and David DeAngelo, and subscribes to their newsletters, and has noticed an obvious and significant discrepancy between my material and theirs:
Hi David,
I bought books and CD's from John Alanis, David DeAngelo, and others, and subscribe to everybody's newsletters trying to find a way to get things back into gear here at home. After 6 years of marriage, things have been in a downhill slide for awhile, and it's obvious that there is an attraction problem, and they're all saying that once attraction has died it's nearly impossible, if not entirely impossible, to rekindle, yet you guarantee I can do it. What am I missing?"
Buddy G.
Well, Buddy, it's pretty simple. They're absolutely right, and so is what I'm telling you. The difference is in the context, particularly the timeframe. Remember, they are talking about creating attraction and keeping it going in order to ESTABLISH a relationship. In the dating world, there's no commitment yet formed and nothing invested; you're on strict probation before you ever approach her and introduce yourself, and at your first slip-up she's gone because there are hundreds of other men in her world still left to inspect. She has no motivation to wait around for somebody exhibiting the same nice-guy, loser behavior that every other nice loser exhibits when she could be hooking up with a guy who "gets it" and trips her attraction triggers, giving her that swept-off-her-feet feeling women will kill for.
HOWEVER! As you'll find in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage," the rules of attraction in committed relationships are often quite different from those of attracting someone new. In your case, and the case of anyone in a committed relationship that has survived long enough to get a little stale and boring or damaged, you've already made the grade and then fallen from grace.
In the meantime, ties have been built, maybe kids, mortgage, and other commitments and/or motivations for further commitment have come into the picture, and it's to your mutual advantage to put things back together. Nobody likes break-ups or divorces, even when they come out ahead, because they almost always entail fighting, complications, and extreme changes in the way you live. I don't know about you, but I hate it when that happens. ;-)
Look closely at the two situations, the requirements of the participants, and think with me for a minute. The "chick in the bar" would have no reason to give you a second look or thought if you said the wrong thing because there will be at least a hundred other opportunities for her that same evening, but the woman with whom you've been partnered, in whatever capacity, for months or years has a vested interest in the relationship!
She wants you to straighten up because having you "back in true form" (read "that attractive stud muffin you used to be, and even more so if you can do it") is much more enjoyable and far less scary than dropping back into the dating world and having to go back to defending herself from perverts, stalkers, geeks, losers, liars, philanderers, and others who would either use, hurt, or bore her.
(And if there are kids involved, her drive to protect her children from a destabilized environment will make her want you to work with her to work things out ten times more than if there were no kids! At least, that is, until you've gone beyond boring to repulsive from having been boring and frustrating her for so long.)
Think about that! If you screwed up with the chick in the bar and she would say, "What for?" when you asked if you could try another date and attempt to make up for your transgression, the woman who has been in your life and enjoyed it would usually try to help you get it done! (To wit, one third of my book sales have consistently been to women!) She wants that feeling back, and would do about anything to have it back, and her choices are to:
a) leave you and find somebody else who gives it to her, or
b) don't leave you, just find a "toy boy" and cheat
c) wait for you to get it done
d) help you get it done so she can have it back faster!
Now, which one do you think she's most likely to choose if she has a choice of the four options above? Where most men screw up is only offering her "a" and "b," and a few more will offer her "c". You have before you the option of a book that, according to a great many people, will give you the knowledge you need to get the job done if you'll just do it, and if your wife knows you're genuinely trying she'll help!
Seriously, if you were trying to date this woman, your chances of success would be pretty slim at best, but you're married to her, and she doesn't want to have a boring marriage any more than you do, nor does she want her whole world turned upside-down by a divorce unless that's her only option. Go to and get your copy of "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage." Read it. Study it. Learn from it. Have a laugh or two along the way, too!
And do it NOW, because attraction is a double-edged sword; the only thing that can keep her from responding to you when you straighten up and act like a man is if ANOTHER MAN creates intense attraction for her before you do, in which case attraction still wins, as always, but it wins the fight for the other guy, not you. But you can be certain that where women are concerned, attraction will be the deciding factor the vast majority of the time, no matter who wields it, so proceed in earnest.
And it's not always simple, either, as some of the men on our forum who have been enduring the nightmare of mid-life crisis (MLC) will tell you. Boredom appears to be a major trigger for MLC, causing a woman to take stock of her life and when she finds that she's not where she thought she'd be, something snaps, she over-reacts in an altered mental state, has affairs, but as she's coming out of it can become interested in her husband again and if he's strong enough to lead her past the guilt and embarrassment, she will come home. A lot of twists and turns for a man to negotiate, and that's one of the many reasons I'm offering you help in these newsletters, my book, and now in our forum.
Getting back to evaluation, if you get through the evaluation section and you know that you're with the right woman, get her to read it with you. That way she'll know that you're trying to make things better for both of you and that the positive changes that she's about to see in your behavior are because you're committed to making things better with her, not because you have a new girlfriend making you feel sexy again. (Yes, they really do that!) Get it done, and get on with your new, sexy, exciting life with your wife. Why? Because it's a whole lot easier and better than being bored or risking getting caught in an affair. You love her, so treat her like you love her! 'Nuff said...
In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!
David Cunningham
"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham
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