What starts with pure discomfort often turns to a painful experience and if appropriate measures aren't taken, there is a real danger of stretching the BREAST LIGAMENTS. Which eventually leads to the dreadful to every woman sagging Besides the gentle skin typical to that are of the female body the above mentioned ligaments are practically the only thing that keeps the breast tissue in place. BREAST SAGGING can be corrected only through surgical methods. Something I personally prefer to avoid at all costs.
There are various ways to strengthen the Cooper's ligaments and therefore prevent the unpleasant effect - herbal therapy, massages, special exercises ( I will write a special article about those exercises), but ensuring an appropriate level of support is the first line of defence. Especially gifted ladies with LARGE BREASTS should pay attention and take extra care due to the increased bust volume and weight. Luckily most women realize they are missing something right after the first hour of practice.
For sports like Tae Bo, Aerobics, Kickboxing, Jogging and anything like that, a FULL SUPPORT SPORTS BRA is recommended. Not the most attractive or romantic wear but it doesn't look that bad either and will improve your confidence a great deal during the exercises. I usually wear a sports bra even when hiking. Of course I have much wider choice when there is no need for "heavy duty" outfit.
I see the products of Enelle are recommended throughout the Internet but since I was in a hurry after the movement I ordered online my last 2 bras - from ChampionUsa and I'm really pleased. However maybe it's better first to try the sports bra before buying, especially if you don't have previous experience with this type of products.
Think the previous video wasn't convincing enough? Well then Sabrina would show you best:
The effect is intentionally pursuit - there should be no doubt about that, but still it's a bit overdone. Anyway she is a beautiful woman with great body and that may be the sexiest dancing ever seen
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