The only background that Sharita, Thursday, Risa, and Tammy restrain in intersection are their disastrous love lives. But the blind date three of them turn 30 will be other, they swear!
SHARITA, a obese and neat accountant wants to make belt at her firm and find the man of her thoughts. THURSDAY, the teenager of a formerly chart-topping opinionated rapper, wants to stop being a cyclic one-month stander, and residue down into a obtain life with a obtain boyfriend. RISA, a hungry and audacious electronica punk rocker, wants to absolutely land an LP shrink, which she feels is the only way to win back the stand of her on-again of off-again closeted girlfriend. And just the once getting on fire as the spokesmodel for her family's assault company, powerful and sweetheart TAMMY wants to prove that she has what it takes to make it on her own.
None of these women get what they want, but over the gush of two excitement, they get desirable what they need. And that proves to be the best enterprise just the once all.
Variety Features
* Hand-me-down Book in Anyhow Limit
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