I'm going to warn you up-front: This article may sting a bit. Especially if you're one of those guys that thinks you've been unfairly "ripped off" in the world because other guys are dating (and banging) the women you should be with. There's an awful lot of frustrated complaining from men about women not appreciating a "nice guy," and these men believe it's because women don't appreciate a "good" man. NEWS FLASH: Women aren't repelled from you because of your "good" and desirable qualities. There's a HUGE gap between "nice" and "good." There are a lot of guys out there with an "entitlement" issue surrounding women. They think that if they just have certain qualities, that means that women should feel attracted to them naturally. A lot of guys believe that they deserve to get the woman of their dreams by simply being nice to women. Uh nope! It doesn't work that way. And it never has, to be perfectly honest. If "Nice" is all you've got, you can expect to be alone for a very long time. Now, I'll give you a few minutes to get over this shocking plot twist, and then we can get started with advice that will help you, instead of coddling you and steering you down a path of continued loneliness and despair. Ready? Okay, let's start with the basics: THE LAWS OF ATTRACTION - #1) ATTRACTION IS NOT LOGICAL Women will never feel attracted to you just because you feel like you're a great catch. The nastiest, meanest, ugliest guys out there genuinely think they're a catch, too. "Every guy" out there thinks he's an awesome guy. You have to realize that attraction is created when a woman is exposed to your "he's a great guy" qualities - but passively. Not forced on her. The same way a jet can be the most aerodynamic shape imaginable and yet still not get off the ground. What the jet - and you - needs is a turbo-thrust of energy to get you airborne. That turbo boost is what I call "ALPHA ATTRACTION." It's a blast of energy that's created when you meet a woman, and it has nothing to do with your "niceness." I'll explain more about this "Alpha Attraction" in a bit. This brings us to THE LAWS OF ATTRACTION - #2) ATTRACTION IS NOT A CHOICE This one is a double-edged sword. On one hand, you don't get to choose the women that you fall in love with. That just seems to happen without any decisions from us. It's a powerless feeling, sometimes But, on the other hand, when you understand and accept this fact, you can turn it around and make it work for you. Especially if you understand how to "trigger" attraction in a woman. Once you've done this the right way, and you use the right strategies, you can relax - knowing that she won't have any choice but to want you - and only you. THE LAWS OF ATTRACTION - #3) ATTRACTION IS A GAME OF STATUS Women are attracted to status - in many different forms. That's one of the keys to unlocking her legs, and getting her to practically beg to be your girlfriend. Status can sometimes be as simple as being rich, but that's where most guys make their big mistake. They think that she's attracted to the money, instead of understanding that money is only a symbol. READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
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» How To Attract And Connect With Women Without Turning Into A Total Wussy Nice Guy Part 1
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