2. Ask your partner if you can have a few moments of uninterrupted time to talk together about an issue. Ask if your partner is willing to listen while you talk & tell your partner that you agree to listen while he/she talks. If you both feel safe to talk without being interrupted, then you will be able to truly hear one another.
3. Say what you need in a way that it can be heard. Always approach a conversation with how you are feeling because of the issue. If you start making your partner wrong & accusing him/her, the only thing you'll accomplish is that one or both of you will either withdraw & shutdown or lash out in anger.
4. Listen & honor who your partner is & what he/she wants. You may not agree with what your partner says but in order to build the trust that you need to feel free to say what you need, you also have to listen with an open heart to him/her without getting defensive.
5. Stay open & find ways that work for both of you. We have found that when you start to understand one another by speaking your truth & listening to each other, the one of you start to open the door for possibilities & much more love. There is a "softer" feeling between the one of you & solutions to conflicts seem to come more easily. Staying open means not judging the other person ">relationship & they hope they will in yours also.
Origin: pickup-for-girls.blogspot.com
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