* First and foremost you need to sell your personality, be laid back and happy, show a woman you are living your life to the full and let her know what makes you tick as an individual.
* Have a proper conversation. Find out about her, ask her about her life, what she does for a living, how come she is out that night? Anything to keep conversation flowing. When she asks about you give her good honest answers. You don't want initial white lies to bit you in the backside later down the road.
* Make her happy; give her the attention she deserves. Many seduction guides will tell you to keep your focus on the woman you are after. And I will tell you the same. Keep her content, when you leave her to go to the bathroom let her see you talking to others on the way, but keep your eye on her, and give her reassuring smiles, You will be back, and she is important.
* Find out what she is after. After having a few conversations it is quite easy to tell if she is interested. Look for any signs in her body language. If she has folded arms and is turning her body away from yours, she isn't interested. On the other hand if she is facing you, and gently touches you when she laughs at your jokes, then she is interested.
* Make your move. You just have to be brave, and move in for a kiss. A soft one on the neck or lips. If she backs away, just apologies, if she smiles and presses closer, you're in.
Remember reading a woman is a great skill to learn, and you can only do this by getting out there and meeting lots of them and using techniques in this seduction guide. Practice makes perfect and you will attract beautiful women with ease.
Credit: young-pickup-artist.blogspot.com
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