Sunday, December 8, 2013

Will I Get Married How To Know If Youll Fall In Love Or Stay Single Forever

Will I Get Married How To Know If Youll Fall In Love Or Stay Single Forever
If you are sick of being single, fed up with failed relationships, and simply starting to get SCARED about your prospects for finding true love and marriage, this article was written with YOU in mind.

As a love intuitive and relationship advisor, one of the most common questions (and crisis's) I hear about is from women who are sick of being in bad relationships. Or sick of being single, and going on disappointing date, after disappointing date.

What I'm going to do below, is simply lay out a super simple strategy that ANYONE can use to discover true love, and find a partner you can marry, settle down with, and ultimately find true happiness. (because I really believe that is our ultimate destiny, and what we are all alive to achieve)

Here is exactly what you need to do to active your own "inner intuitive" and find the love of your life.

What to do FIRST:

Visualize your perfect partner. Who is he? What does he look like? What does he do? How does he treat you? How do you interact, and what does your relationship look and feel like? Get into an intuitive space where you actually see, sense and FEEL who it is that you truly are looking for...and describe, detail and document everything you see.

What to do NEXT:

Look at the relationships you've had over the last 5 years with an unflinching eye. Be honest. Be truthful, and compare the perfect partner you've visualized above, with the kind of men you've been dating. Do they match up, or is there a huge disconnect? Usually, pretty much without fail, there is a HUGE disparity between who we want to meet on a gut, intuitive, spiritual level.....and the kind of people we actually HAVE been meeting instead. And more often than not, this simple realization can be the catalyst for an amazing opening where the "Universe" and your own awareness come together to make GREAT things happen going forward!

What to do last:

Quite simply, align your intentions, and your energies with your intuition. Move from a head based dating strategy to a HEART based approach. I believe that each of us is born with a soulmate, a perfect partner for life...and our challenge is only to be open enough, and aware enough to acknowledge they are out there. Once you do some simple visualization and intuition exercises like above, it's amazing how quickly you'll find yourself meeting the kind of man you truly crave, and find that ONE relationship that lasts a lifetime to boot. (especially if you are brave enough to ask the universe for help!)

Does he REALLY Love Me? Find Out HERE!

(The #1 intuitive way of finding out if he's going to love you forever... or is he as GOOD as gone!) Don't be the last to know!

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