Talk about boldly going where no one has gone before. In today's modern world, it can be hard to FIND SOMEONE GREAT. But what if that amazing someone happens to be working in the next cubicle? Well, with great risk can come great reward, but just be sure you don't get burned while dipping your hand into the company cookie jar. The job that someone has does take up quite a bit of their time. Most people spend more time at their place of work when compared to how much time that they spend at home. Because of this, there are many people that meet single people at work and wonder if this is a good idea. Should they date their coworker? In most companies, employees are not supposed to date each other because it can cause a tense work environment. However, there are other reasons as well. Even if the company does not have such a policy, it is never a good idea to date a coworker in most cases. One of the prime reasons that COWORKERS should not DATE is due to the fact that it can interfere with work. There have been people that have been fired due to DATING SOMEONE THAT THEY WORK WITH. Thus, when contemplating if this is something that you should do, consider if this job is one that you want to keep or not. The reason that this is an automatic termination for most companies is because of the feelings that become involved with the business. For example, a person that is supposed to work on the computer may spend their time talking to the person that they are dating, rather than doing their work. All companies will agree that this is just wasting their money as they are paying the person to basically flirt all day. Another reason that dating a coworker is really not the route to go is because it COULD END BADLY. Consider how many relationships between single people work. What would happen if the relationship ended badly? It can lead to several problems in a workplace that can not only affect the productivity of those that are personally involved, but can leak over to become a huge battle between all employees at work. For those that do live a busy life and feel as though they never get a chance to meet any single people, there are solutions to this problem that do not involve dating a coworker. For example, using an online dating service can help a person to meet someone when they do have the time. Several people that utilize a free dating site are going to be sitting at home on a weeknight in their pajamas surfing through the profiles that are presented. It makes dating a whole lot easier and more time friendly. It is a great way to meet local singles without having to go out to the bars and clubs that are near the town. Many people may think about DATING A COWORKER, however, they have to consider what would happen should the relationship not work out. With the economy in the shape that it is, it does not make sense for anyone to jeopardize their job through having a relationship with someone that is against the rules. Without having the ability to know whether the relationship is one that will succeed, it is easier to say no and ensure your job for the future.
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