Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Is Your Partner Motive For Being In Your Relationship Or Marriage

What Is Your Partner Motive For Being In Your Relationship Or Marriage
What is your partner's REAL motive for having you around? The answer lies in their words and actions...

Another lovely morning with a big country breakfast, a huge mug of coffee, and a whole bunch of friends trying to find a way to make their lives together better. For me, that's a great way to start a day, pleasure and productivity.

A quick note before we begin today's lesson: One of you sent me a link to an article that is revealing, revolutionary, and for some, downright scary. Entitled "Mommy's Little Secret," it describes, among other things, statistical evidence that 10% of children in the western hemisphere think that their father is someone other than who their biological father really is, if you know what I mean. DNA evidence is causing all manner of revelations of infidelity, and it's so bad that the courts are now trying to figure out when people are bound to tell fathers and "duped dads" (the one who is paying the bills thinking it's for his own child) and when they're not. I strongly recommend you read it this article; even though it is five years old, it's still relevant and accurate.

As for today's lesson, one of your cohorts said this in response to the issue where I talked about men using guilt and pity tactics to try to obtain sex, the article titled "Sex for Pity's Sake," which you can access in the archive if you missed it:

Meet Tanja K.:

In my eyes women who use guilt or pity for sex are hubby and I have been married for almost 22 years and there's what real married for love partners call give and hubby is like my kids, spoiled to death and well adjusted...2 in college and 2 in grade school, if you get my drift, sex is our way of being one with each other, and trying new thing together, is what makes our marriage so to die for, so if you got out of me somehow that I use guilt or pity, you better find some new info about real women, not this new age "I'll sleep with you if you'll pay for my hair cut, or my college ed"....those are the women that make good men say dumb hurtful hubby has been my prince from day one, if he's guilty of anything it might be that he hasn't taken time to find friends to have fun with, besides me, but then again, neither have I, our kids have made our life busy and full....hope you find a real women w/real moral values....


Tanja's beef is with women who prostitute themselves, not honestly as professionals, but as surreptitious gold-diggers; those parasites who land a man to take care of them, give them means to create and maintain babies and/or self-destructive habits, and use guilt, pity, and sex to keep the man engaged and thinking everything is peachy. Gentlemen, I have to agree.

There are many kinds of relationships that can exist between a man and a woman, but this kind, especially in its most extreme variant, the codependent relationship, is the most destructive. One partner sucks the life out of the other and wastes it in destroying themselves, effectively rushing both of them to an early grave. How can you tell if you're in one of these?

It's not that difficult. Indeed, detection is the easy part; accepting the truth and acting upon it is where most people fail.

First, take a look at who is contributing what to the relationship, and how those contributions are being distributed. If you're working your butt off and she (or HE! - it can go both ways, Ladies, as you'll see in my next book) is spending it faster than you can make it on things that you find you secretly resent, such as a lot of extras for her and the kids, like eating out a lot and designer labels on all their clothes while you have holes in your shoes and take a cheese sandwich and store-brand soda to work for lunch, that's a big red flag.

There's no need to keep a detailed score; it will either be equitable because the relationship is committed and tight or completely lop-sided because one partner is using the other, depending entirely on whether the partners truly love each other or one is using the other.

Next, take a look at language. Even the best liars screw up from time to time, usually when they are either too relaxed, too stressed or have had a drink or two and their guard is down. A partner who really loves you will tell you so for no apparent reason, and their body language and actions will confirm it. One who is indeed NEEDING AND USING you and not loving you will say that they love you in order to get you to tell them that you love them; the statement "I love you" is indeed the question, "Do you love me?" - a plea for confirmation that their ploy is still working. When it comes, it sounds forced, like the ritual "I love you" that ends all too many phone conversations with that hint of whining or desperation that makes what should be a profession into an interrogation.

You can also learn a lot from the nature of compliments and explanations that inappropriately follow or replace declarations of love. A woman who says, "I love you because you make me feel safe," is most likely saying that she loves the feeling of being protected, not you; anybody with an alpha personality and a weapon (or a large bank account) could make her feel the same way.

Gentlemen, real women don't need a caretaker any more than real men do. They're "all grown up," strong, independent, intelligent, and sexy, not a clingy, needy, neurotic ball of insecurity looking for someone to blame their entire miserable existence on. Being able to take care of themselves, they want a real man who can take care of himself, to form a true symbiotic - nay, synergistic! - partnership, in which the partners can achieve more together than the sum of what they could achieve separately. Such a woman will enjoy watching you being strong and taking the lead, instead of depending on you to do it, and you'll enjoy doing it with her, instead of resenting the whining and pressure.

If you feel like you're being sucked dry, you're in the wrong relationship. You can assess yourself, your partner, and your relationship, as well as have great contacts to help you get out of a bad relationship and find a great woman if you have to, with the information in "THE Man's Guide to Great Relationships and Marriage." Download your copy at right now, read it, and get things on the right track. If they're already on the right track, use the rest of the book to stoke that attraction boiler and kick things up to the stratosphere where problems just don't happen! The woman in your life can be a ball and chain or a ball of fire, and the choice is entirely yours. Choose well, and choose NOW!

In the meantime, live well, be well, and have a wonderful day!

David Cunningham"Being a man is something to which one should aspire, not something for which he should apologize." --David Cunningham

1 comment:

  1. Many girls from Ukraine made happy men from abroad, becoming their wives
