Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Self Hypnosis In 7 Simple Steps

Self Hypnosis In 7 Simple Steps
Self Hypnosis can be a wonderful tool to promote a range of positive changes in your life. It is simple to learn and can be used for a wide variety of issues.

These include boosting your confidence and self-esteem, stopping smoking, losing weight and achieving a healthy lifestyle. It is superb for promoting relaxation, assisting in public speaking, achieving a perfect relationship, and enhancing sports performance.

Self-hypnosis is really easy to learn and here are some simple steps to assist you.

1. Consider what it is you want to achieve or change in your life. Aim to state this goal in a single clear sentence. State what you do want not what you don't.

2. Aim for a private place where you will be comfortable and undisturbed, whether sitting in a chair or lying down. Relaxation and focus are essential for a positive outcome

3. Slowly close your eyes, and take a few slow deep breaths. Now progressively relax all your muscles, from head to toe or toe to head. It's up to you whatever routine you prefer. Take your time and really enjoy the experience.

4. Now slowly and steadily count down from ten to one and advise yourself that with each number, you will become more and more deeply relaxed, both physically and mentally and that you will go deeper and deeper into trance.

5. When you feel in a deep trance, then recall your goal statement. Make this as vivid and memorable as possible within your imagination. Use all your senses as appropriate.

Now gently let it go and trust that you have handed it over to your unconscious mind, where this wise and productive part of you will now solve the problem.

6. Gradually count yourself awake, up from one to ten and inform yourself that you are longer in trance and instead are wide-awake, feeling refreshed well and ready to go.

7. Its important to appreciate that for a few minutes after awakening from a self-hypnotic session, you will still be in a highly suggestible state.

Make use of this by reinforcing how relaxed and calm you feel, and how positive you are that your unconscious mind is working to help you achieve your goal.

A trained professional should preferably deal with serious problems. However, self-hypnosis is brilliant for a range of self-improvement opportunities.

We have only scratched the surface of the vast potential of self-hypnosis here; so do research further on the positive possibilities this wonderful tool has to offer.

About the Author

Self Hypnosis is a wonderful tool for reducing stress. For more tips on how to use hypnosis to improve your life head over to: www.hypnosisreallyworks.co.uk


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