Thursday, August 21, 2008

Deception Passing Of The Violence Against Women Act

Deception Passing Of The Violence Against Women Act
The details of what this "act" does are irrelevant. Its very title suggests that there is so much violence against women in our country that such a law is necessary.


For every woman who is the victim of a violent crime, there are three men that are victims of violent crimes.

Women initiate domestic violence against their partners just slightly more than men do.

From the CDC website:

This states that about 25% of relationships will experience violence.

Of those, 50% are reciprocally violent (both partners are violent).

50% are non-reciprocally violent (only one partner is violent).

of the non-reciprocally violent relationships, the women is the agressor 70% of the time.

I will do the math:

Of 100 people, 25 will experience violence.

12.5 will be in reciprocally violent relationships - 6.25 will be men, 6.25 will be women.

12.5 will be in non-reciprocally violent relationships.

70% of those the women is the violent one - 0.7 * 12.5 = 8.75.

30% of those the man is the violent one - 0.3 * 12.5 = 3.75.

Now, we add the women - 6.25 + 8.75 = 15.0.

Then, we add the men - 3.75 + 6.25 = 10.0.

This means that for every 10 violent men, there are 15 violent women in relationships.


The existence of such a sexist law accomplishes a few things:

It cheapens violence that is aimed at men. I.E. since a law exists prohibiting violence against women but not men, violence aimed at men must be a lesser crime.

It's very existence implies that violence against women is commonplace.

It places women's citizenship above men's citizenship. Something akin to the "Ku Klux Klan" passing a "Violence Against White People Act".

The passing of bigoted laws is acceptable when it's in the favor of women.

Again, a seed of distrust is placed in women against men. At the same time, it is perfectly acceptable to cheapen men and their rights and citizenship status to 2nd class.



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