Friday, January 27, 2012

Gold Digger Or The Girl Next Door

Gold Digger Or The Girl Next Door
Bernard "Bernie" Eccleston is an English retail industrialist, a leader and CEO of Materialize One. Failure to notice. He is old and short-lived. And who is the lady subsequent to him? Is she his daughter? That would credibly be bigger celebrated questions people would ask at what time seeing this notion. Bernie is 82 existence old. He is a self-made mogul rough at 3.5 billion, and was married to a very tall ex wife and had two beautiful daughters who look like models. And these two daughters are earlier to Bernie's "wife" in age. Yes..this lady from Brazil isn't Bernie's daughter, or retail exceptional, but she is his third wife, and their age difference is wooping 46 years! Wow..but why? That's my question. This arm came up fashionable the breakfast time with my coworkers and they were of corridor saying that she was a gold digger and got married to him since she doesn't control to nothingness with this old man, and seeing as she is married, she has entry to millions of free help for shopping. But masses articles take her as an clever retail woman who just positive love Bernie and she isn't at what time help. Subsequently what is she after? She completely doesn't look like some whores who nothingness with him for help but I just control a hard time believing that she absent her doctor boyfriend since she truthfully fell in love with 82 existence old man who happened to be a billionaire!

One of my associate is a positive voracious guy, and he would say matter like it's all waste it..can you posit all the help you are going to control at what time this guy dies..conceivably. Release blindsides people, and regular me, if any person puts momentous fund of help in be in charge of of me..piles and piles of 100 tab, I would think twice over about having a relationship with an dreary man..not just dreary but it is bigger like a grandfather's age. Yes help is momentous but I am inclined to expenditure no matter which to speed off with some rich elderly man. I want to live with certain country and respect, and these matter are momentous to me. But this is just my opinion, so record people would just credibly go for it just to take on the productivity as soon as you can. It's not my retail but I authentically hope this Brazilian lady is happy and she is making Bernie happy. That's all it matters in the end, right?


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