Sunday, April 1, 2012

By Einar

By Einar
I have to admit I find it odd that so many people have a problem with the term cis woman. Gender is a tricky subject (pick up a scientific book that goes into much detail and tell me it isn't). Did you know that the two gender system is scientifically inaccurate as there are really more than two genders so trying to be more specific is a good thing. Also, if it is bad because a male might have coined the term (we don't actually know who coined the term and since the sciences that would concern themselves with the term have more women than most people think it could have been a woman and I have encountered more women using the term than men) than you might consider not using the term WOMAN as it was probably coined by a male.

Great post btw, difficulties with terminology, I believe, are the biggest contributing factor to most hotly debated subjects.



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